Church Of God Of Prophecy Slough Britwell
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Preached Messages 2
Preached Messages 3
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Church Of God Of Prophecy Slough Britwell
A word from the Pastor
Zoom Meetings
Slough Church
Word of the Day
Preached Messages
Preached Messages 2
Preached Messages 3
What’s Happening @ Slough Church
Where to find us and how to contact us
Meet The Team
Youth Ministry
Women's Ministry
Sunday School
Preached Messages 2
{"songs":[{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - Chains2", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/chains2", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Part two to my last messge."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David" - St John", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/st-john", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Hi Everyone,\r\n\r\nToday's message is about a voice crying in the wilderness...."", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil Boyd" - A few minutes from Pastor", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/a-few-minutes-from-pastor", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""A few minutes from the Pastor"", "image":""},{"title":""Music" - Short music", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/short-music", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Some Music"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister Dawn" - Minster Dawn Preaching", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/minster-dawn-preaching", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Minster Dawn Preaching"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - Worry", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/worry", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings everyone in the Mighty Name of Jesus.\r\nTodays message is all about Worry, I hope you may receive something from the message."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - Wheat and the Tares", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/wheat-and-the-tares", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Blessing everyone in the Mighty name of Jesus.\r\nTodays message is based on the Parable of the Wheat and the Tares\r\nI hope you understand what is been preached here and I hope you understand the twist at the end of the message.\r\n\r\nGod bless.\r\n\r\nMinister David"", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - A message from the Pastor", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/a-message-from-the-pastor", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Hi Everyone,\r\n\r\n Here is a message preached by our Pastor.\r\n\r\nBe blessed"", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - Fathers", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/fathers", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""The Pastor address the Church"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - TIME TO LAUNCH OUT", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/time-to-launch-out", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings Everyone,\r\n\r\nTodays message is an encouragement to move out beyond the 4 walls of the Church.\r\n\r\nBe Blessed."", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - Message from the Pastor", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/message-from-the-pastor", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Sorry about the quality"", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - Easter Message", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/easter-message", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Hi Everyone,\r\n\r\nTodays message is from our dear Pastor Cecil."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - The name of Jesus", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/the-name-of-jesus", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings Believers in the Most High God,\r\n\r\nThis message is about what all the fuss is about Jesus, if you do not believe in him why all the fuss about him?"", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - A few scriptures", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/a-few-scriptures", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Blessing one and All,\r\n\r\nTodays message if from Pastor Cecil.\r\n\r\nBe Blessed"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David" - Restoration2", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/restoration2", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings in the Mighty name of Jesus.\r\nTodays message is all about how we all need restoring form time to time and only the Most High God can do this for us."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - The Crowd", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/the-crowd", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greeting one and all in the Name of the one true King.\r\n\r\nTodays message is the closing part of the Healing service .\r\n\r\nBe blessed"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister Geraldine" - 1st Samuel", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/1st-samuel", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Message from our Assistant Pastor"", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil Boyd" - Message from the Pastor", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/message-from-the-pastor-1", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Message from the Pastor"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - We can all seek Jesus", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/we-can-all-seek-jesus", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings one and all. \r\nTodays messages is a personal one for each of us.\r\nListen to the message and answer the question for yourself..."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - The Valley", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/the-valley", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings Brothers and Sisters,\r\n\r\nTodays message is about slaying the Giant in your life."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David" - Worry", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/worry-1", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Blessing to each and everyone of you all in the Mighty Name of Jesus our Christ and King.\r\n\r\nTodays message is all about Worry."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister Geraldine Boyd" - Sufficiency of your Grace", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/sufficiency-of-your-grace", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greeting All,\r\nThis message is from our dear assistance Pastor and the song from our Psalmists"", "image":""},{"title":""Sister Sarah" - Witchcraft", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/witchcraft", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Greetings Everyone,\r\n\r\nTodays message is given to us by Lay Minister Sarah"", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - Bless Yourself", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/bless-yourself", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Hi My Brothers and Sisters,\r\n\r\nTodays message is about can you Bless yourself?\r\nBefore you answer listen to the message."", "image":""},{"title":""Minister David Joseph" - The Blood", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/the-blood", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Blessing to everyone in the Mighty Name of Jesus.\r\n\r\nTodays message is about the preciouses blood of our Devine Saviour Jesus."", "image":""},{"title":""Pastor Cecil" - Christmas address", "file":"", "howl":null, "pageUrl":"/preached-messages-2/christmas-address", "cartUrl":"", "more_info":""Todays message is an address by the Church Pastor."", "image":""}]}
COGOP Slough, Wentworth Avenue SL2 2DH, Slough, UK