As we enter another year are you still sitting on the fence telling yourself that you WILL come to Christ …but not yet! The Bible asks this question in 1st kings 18:21 And Elijah came unto all the people, and said, How long halt ye between two opinions?
If the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him. And the people answered him not a word.
If you are for God then now is the right time to follow him. If you are not for God then continue to follow your ways. There is no middle ground with God! You are either for him or against him. So by saying “I’m not ready yet” you know actually what you doing and why?
If you are not following the Lord then what are you doing? Could I tell you that now is the time to find the Lord and acknowledge Jesus Christ for what he has done for you at Calvary. Come and join us at Slough Church and get to know the risen Christ, get to know him NOW rather than wait till you meet your maker.
Now is the time to find the Lord , now is the time to get to understand the Lord God. “How long halt ye between two opinions ?" Slough Church is open for all those who love the Lord all those seeking questions about the Lord and all those who have a love for the Lord. We welcome you one and all because now it’s time to be serious with God.
Minister David Joseph on behalf of Pastor Cecil Boyd.